How many recall ‘Wintertime’ by the Steve Miller Band? You can listen to the song here:
This is probably my favorite song by the Steve Miller Band. It really captures the ‘feel’ of Winter. You sense some desolation and isolation. Emptiness. The land is asleep – or so it would appear. But there remains life. Thriving and flourishing life exists in the Wintertime! And what is it we hear calling? Springtime?
The sun is shining in the Wintertime
I recall an airplane flight I was on. A business trip. It was an overcast, wintry day and rather dismal. We boarded the plane and took off. As we climbed up and up we entered the clouds. All was white as there was nothing to see. Very strange.
We continued to climb and the sky gradually lightened. I took notice and started watching with greater intent through the little porthole they call windows on airplanes. It became lighter and lighter! Suddenly, I could see the sun – and blue skies. The sun was shining! It was a beautiful day. I think often about that trip and that experience. I’ll always remember that even on the darkest of days, the sun is shining! Maybe you cannot see it, you just have to believe it!
It’s all a matter of perspective
I can listen to Wintertime and become inspired. Sure, the song is a bit melancholy but life experience has taught me many things. First, nothing lasts forever. That includes Winter! Second, always darkest before the dawn. Spring is getting closer every day. Granted, by the calendar it is December 21. The first official day of Winter. But that means something special. Things begin to turn around! We’ll start getting more daylight! Just a minute or two to start with, but every day is a gainer and one day closer to Springtime!
I believe I have mentioned in a previous post my favorite Winter event is the first whispers of Spring. To be fair, I have a certain love for winter. I love the solitude, the calm. The feel of a warm outer coat insulating my body with the brisk snap of cold air on my face. I love walking on snow and listening to the crunch the snow makes when it gets below zero. I love the tickle of a snowflake landing on my nose and blowing ‘smoke’ rings into the chilled air.
Sundogs in the Wintertime
And who can forget the beauty of Sundogs in the sky, haloing the Sun in their brilliant display. Yes, I do love winter. I think winter brings out a broader range of mood as it has so many variables but that’s OK. Winter is pretty cool and very beautiful. By the way, ever see a Sundog in the Summer? I have – just once. Crazy.
Here is another favorite shot of mine that I feel represents the solitude of Wintertime:
When life gives you snow flakes, make ice cream!
That’s right. Get out in it. Take it on! Winter is a time to celebrate. We have Holidays and we have fun things to do in the winter including ice fishing (on safe ice), sledding, cross country skiing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, brisk walks (don’t forget to walk like a Penguin if it is icy!), and so much more. Indoors there is baking Holiday treats, putting together that massive pot of Party Mix (I’ve gained three pounds off the stuff . . . so far), decorating the tree, buying gifts. It really is a busy wonderful time of the year!
Let Wintertime be an uplifting experience!
Get out in the Sunshine! Keep exercising. Keep in touch. Avoid isolation – get outdoors with family and friends. You won’t regret it – and before you know it, Springtime will gently whisper to you the coming of the season. Sunny days, snow melt, Crocuses erupting through the waning snow pack. It’s pretty cool to witness. And before you know it, the trees are budding and blooming, the grass is greening. Remember, today is the first day of Winter. Expect to see more daylight. It’s coming our way!
I have a few images at my website that celebrate Winter. You can check them out in my Scenic Gallery. Additionally, my Draft Horse Team Gallery is all about Winter. Need to get in touch? Contact me. I hope your day is great and I wish for you a gift you can pass along to others: Peace.