It’s getting late in the day but today is National Random Acts of Kindness Day! Still time for a random act or two of kindness. Here’s a little tip: look for folks with Veterans license plates or hats/jackets indicating the same. Give them $5 or whatever amount you care to and thank them for their sacrifice. Suggest they go buy a cup of coffee or put it towards a gas fill. I guarantee you they will appreciate it. It will be the best feel good you can do for them and yourself!
Random Acts
I remember one year I randomly shoveled the sidewalk of an elderly woman. Fresh snow. I cleared her sidewalk and would glance to see her peeking from her window. Finished up, waved and was on my way. I felt great, got a nice workout and extended some kindness to another. Random acts of kindness.
Make it a daily habit
I think it is fine to have a day to recognize random acts of kindness but why limit those random acts to a single day? Make it a daily habit. Hold a door for someone. Pay for someone’s meal in the Drive-thru. Lots of possibilities – just got to keep an eye peeled for the opportunities. Extend kindness to family, friends, strangers, neighbors. Anybody will do.
I used to deliver mail – I ran rural routes as well as serving as a City Carrier. One of the most appreciated random acts of kindness I recall from that time was on a scorcher of a day. A fellow comes out of his vehicle running towards me with a big bottle of Gatorade. He said, “Here you go!” and handed it to me. What a very kind thing to do. It was so appreciated.
Alison Malee poem
Here is a poem I received from a good friend. It is by Alison Malee.
“ah, kindness.
what a simple way
to tell another
struggling soul
that there is love
to be found
in the world.”
Short and to the point. It also plays on the fact we don’t know what another is carrying in way of burdens on any given day. A random act of kindness might be the gesture of humanity that person needed at that moment.
That’s all I have for today! Be sure to check out my NEW website, It is pretty nice. Still under construction but we’re getting things in place. Have a question of me? I can be reached here. Until tomorrow, Peace.